Ah, it's good to be back. I honestly miss tasting beers. But with my current schedule, I've had precious little time to do so.
Anyways, Soft Parade has been on my docket for quite some time now. I first got a taste of this unique brew back in 2012 at a beer tasting (that I never wrote about). I fell in love with it at the time and couldn't wait to do a more in depth and detailed review. Today I can finally cross it off the list.
Shorts is a Michigan brewing company of whom I have little knowledge or experience with, but they have a good number of offerings that I've been meaning to try, and if Short Parade is any indication they may be one of the best brewers in the nation. Poured into my 16oz Goose Island Pilsner glass.
Appearance: Brownish red with a slight cloudiness. Head is non-existent, save for some very light lacing around the edges. No hints of yeast or unfiltered particles either. Gives the appearance more of a sparkling wine than a beer.
Nose: Immediately hit by the aroma of cherries and raspberries, along with other light fruity touches. Hop character is minimal and citrus in nature, so as to balance out the fruits and malt. No noticeable alcohol here.
Taste: Mild tartness of blue berries mixed with mild citrus like hops and strawberry notes. Malt isn't overpowering, but does lightly dull the fruity nature of the beer. Only a light hint of sweetness remains for a moment after swallowing. Despite the brewery noting the use of rye, I've been unable to detect any. No noticeable alcohol here either.
Mouth Feel: Light bodied and somewhat bubbly. Again, somewhat akin to a wine, though nowhere near as dry. The carbonation is just enough to open the taste buds to the unique flavors of brew. Goes down smoothly without any hint of an alcoholic burn and finishes nicely.
Drinkability: High. Disturbingly high in fact, considering it's 7.5% ABV, yet the alcohol is completely undetectable. Combine with the very low IBUs (15) and the unique and very appealing taste, and I could see getting drunk off this in short order. A perfect drink with brunch or on a nice summers day, and should pair well with most foods, though I might avoid dark meats with it, or heavier dessert items.
Overall this is a fantastic offering from a great Michigan brewer, and I would highly recommend it to anyone, but especially people new to beer or the craft beer scene as its high drinkability and amazing flavors are conducive to a enjoyable time for all. It is certainly a must try for any beer drinker though.