So in case anyone has been wondering just where I've gone, I feel I should give a status update to assure everyone that I haven't been taken off or died or given up interest. Because I haven't. GunsBeerFreedom isn't dead yet.
There are some changes in the works however. The biggest change on the horizon is GunsBeerFreedom; The Podcast. That's right, shortly after this you loyal readers will become (if you so choose) loyal listeners, as my honeyed words shine forth across the internet like a shining beacon of truth and enlightenment. I don't have much (read; ANY) experience with broadcast media or podcasting, so this will certainly be a learning experience, but I'm confident it'll be a fun one. For those wondering just what the hell I'm going to be talking about, the current plan is for the show to be like an internet bar of sorts. Lighthearted conversations over the course of several beers between myself and guests. Beyond that...well the show will be organic so the production and goals might as well be organic as well.
But the podcast isn't the only thing coming up. There are several beer reviews on the docket, as well as brewery reviews (did a few tours during my absence from the site). And of COURSE I've got plenty to say about guns and our freedom as Americans (for the non-Americans who read this site, you may gain a window into our madness. Or you might not care. Whichever). Rest assured though good people, that GBF is not done. Not by a long shot.