Monday, June 30, 2014

Beer Review: Dogfish Head Noble Rot

Bought this a couple months ago and just now getting around to trying it out. Yet another of the Dogfish Head 750ml bottles, I'm not going to lie I bought this just to fill out my collection of bottles. But DFH has some outstanding beers and so I'm hoping this continues in that tradition. Supposedly this is brewed similarly to a Saison type Belgian ale with grapes and grape must added into the brewing process. So let's get started.

Appearance: Bright golden yellow and very transparent. Head is about 1/2 inch high with nice densely packed white foam. Carbonation is very high and head retention is high. Appears almost like a golden champagne or soda instead of a beer and is very pleasing to the eye.

Nose: Grape is noticeable, along with citric hops. No alcohol to note in the nose, which at 9% is somewhat impressive. No noticeable malts or other aromas though.

Taste: Similar to a white wine, the grapes are at the forefront of the taste, though they're not overpowering. No malt flavor but the hops are very mild and not overtly bitter so the malt profile does balance it out very well. Slight taste of alcohol at the front but quickly dissipates.

Mouth Feel: Rather light bodied. Somewhat drier than other beers I've had recently but certainly not terrible. The carbonation doesn't stand out here however, and the beer leave a small but lasting impression after each sip, coating the tongue and and throat as it goes down. Again, feels more like a white wine than a beer.

Drinkability: Low. The 750 bottle would be best split between myself and someone else, or corked and saved again for later. The 14oz I poured is about all I can handle in a single sitting. The combination of the alcohol and wine like taste is too much for high volume drinking. But if you like white wines (I do not), you may be able to polish off the bottle yourself.

Overall this isn't a bad beer, but I'm not personally a fan. DFH is always trying to create new brews and experiences, so I won't fault them if I don't enjoy as much as some of their other offerings. This beer would pair well with any Italian or seafood dish, or maybe as a night cap to a mild fall evening. Just be sure to keep an eye on your drinking, as the fact that the beer is 9% ABV isn't readily discernible from the taste.

If you have any suggestions for my next tasting, be sure to email me at and let me know.