Friday, March 22, 2013

Beer Review: Detroit Brewing Co. Bohemian

Alright, sorry about the delay. Writing comes and goes in spurts for me. Anyways here is one of the beers I've been meaning to review. With the approach of spring (somewhere anyways), pilsners are gonna become more popular. So here's a local one I thought would be good to try.

Courtesy of BeerAdvocate
Appearance: Amber colors with a creamy white head, about 1/2 fingers in hieght. It quickly dissipates but does leave a nice ring around the edge of the glass. This is about as perfect as a beer can look, if it would retain the head longer. Of course that may be my fault, but we'll see.

Nose: Nice fruity hops, no noticeable alcohol, and just a hint of malt sweetness.

Taste: A very well balanced flavor. The hops are present but not especially bitter, more fruity. The malt isn't especially sweet either, but just pronounced enough to balance out the hops. Alcohol isn't detectable here, thought a slight bitterness is found in the after taste, which is honestly enjoyable.

Mouth Feel: Light bodied and smooth, it's just carbonated enough to tickle the tongue slightly, but not the throat. Goes down and stays down very easy, and again, no detectable alcohol found here either. Very crisp and refreshing through the entire sip.

Drinkablity: High. It's a light bodied pilsner with standard ABV. The low IBUs (35 in this case) also make it a very easy drinking beer that would be GREAT on a warmer day, or as a general session beer.

Overall, I'd highly suggest picking this up, and it would easily surpass most macro-brewed beers. I can't wait for spring/summer so I can truly enjoy this beer the way it was meant to be. With a lot more of them, good friends around, and some barbeque.