With all the buzz about the election and gays this and mass shootings that (more on the latter later), I've been thinking more about the state of war we as a nation are in. Historically this is a unique time for us. We've been at war and afraid for 12 years now. That's an entire generation of children born into war, and knowing about it for 12 years. It's around 12 that I started to become politically conscious, and I imagine many others are becoming aware of government and politics as well. And for them, they've never known peace. They haven't personally experienced a time when you could fly without the fear of having a hand in your ass. They never knew a world where police have the power to tap your phones based solely on your interests in islam or firearms or anything that someone in power might see as dangerous. They've lived like that their entire lives and such things are now NORMAL to them. And my generation isn't much better off. Our whole adult lives have been consumed by the same. While we may remember a different childhood, our transition to adulthood has cemented these ideas, that are patently against the founding ideas of our nations.
So before I close I just wanted to say, when you go to vote, make it a vote that you can tell your children about. Make it one where they have the chance to grow up and live in a world where war and fear aren't the prevailing ideologies.