Friday, July 6, 2012

On Libya

I know it may be a tad late to get in on the whole "Libya" thing, but it's on my mind and I felt it would be a good thing to discuss.

I want to start off by saying that I fully support my brothers and sisters of Libya in their efforts to free themselves from tyranny. What route they'll choose now that Ghaddafi is gone I cannot say, and ultimately it's none of my concern. It's their choice to make, and they're free to make it. I hope that they continue down the road to freedom, but it's their choice now.

But before it was their choice, there was the matter of the rebellion, and most important to what I'm talking about, was international aid to the rebels. It's probably the biggest and only thing I supported Obama on was aiding the Libyan freedom fighters. Now that's not to say I support America (or any other nation) attempting to overthrow governments overtly or covertly, but if a legitimate opposition that shares our values of freedom and democracy appears and is actively engaged in fighting and ASKS for our help, I feel it is our national duty to oblige, at least in some way.

Personally, I would not have deployed troops or naval vessels. That's beyond our duty. But supplying them with aid, such as food, medical supplies, arms, and military training/advising, is perfectly legitimate. I also support Abraham Lincoln brigades, but it's highly doubtful those will ever be seen again.