Appearance: Straw colored, with a very rich white creamy head. Bubbles are very tight and settle at 1/2 finger in height. Dissipation is low, and color eventually turns a tad more golden as the beer settles. Slight opacity. Man as I write this I'm waiting for the head to go down. Lacing is heavy.
Nose: Typical hops with a good malt back. Nose is prominent but not overtly strong. No noticeable alcohol. So far seems like a great pilsner representation, with balance being the key word here.
Taste: Very light in flavor, but enough malt sweetness upfront to differentiate itself from the more common macros. Hops just enough to leave a small bitterness at the end. No alcohol here either.
Mouth Feel: Light bodied, moderately carbonated. Hops is just enough at the end to make me want more. FEELS (not tastes) almost like water going down.
Drinkability: HIGH. Really, fucking, high. Seriously, I could drink the 6er I bought by days end.
Overall, I can't honestly understand why people drink stuff like Bud Light instead of this. Light bodied with good balanced taste and low alcohol? This is probably gonna be my summer staple. I'd pair it well with most food, especially steak or a burger fresh off the grill.