Friday, November 16, 2012

Beer Review: Sam Adams Thirteenth Hour

I know this is breaking from the multi-part update on how to save and reform the republic, but revolution is thirsty work. And it's been a while since I did any good reviewing. So here is a beer from the Sam Adams Barrel Room collection. Picked it up at my local watering hole.

Now this is supposed to be a dark Belgian stout, a style I'm unfamiliar with to be honest. I know the Belgians know a thing or two about beer, but I'm.....very particular about Belgian beers. So we'll see if this will make me try more of them or not. Poured into a nonic pint glass.

Image courtesy of
A: Black, or at least near black, with a dark brown hue near the bottom. Head is only about 1/8 high but a nice creamy color. The head is very tight and firm, and dissipates slowly, leaving a ring around the glass and some nice lacing. This is a very, very dark beer that light will almost doesn't penetrate.

N: Chocolate with a slightly roastiness to malt profile. Alcohol is noticeable but not overtly so. A slight spiciness, almost a cinnamon like aroma, is also detected. No trace of hops in the nose, which for a dark stout like this is the norm. On to taste...

T: Despite not being present in the nose there is a nice hoppy citrus in the front of the sip. Not overpowering mind you, but noticeable, probably accented by the 9% alcohol. Malt roastiness is noticeable, but again not over powering, with a hint of brewers chocolate on the back of the sip. This beer has a lot of flavor notes so multiple tastes are required. However, they are all nicely balanced together and the beer, while certainly unique, is pretty mild in terms of taste. In short though, it is delicious.

M: Light bodied, which is surprising for being such a dark stout. Zesty in the front with a mild chocolate bitter twinge in the back. Alcohol is just noticeable enough to give a mild warmth as it goes down. Honestly this beer has a nice warmth to it and is silky smooth to boot.The light body betrays how this beer feels in the stomach though, as it isn't something you would enjoy (or probably even be able to) chugging down. It's a sipping beer for sure.

D: Moderate. It comes in a 25.4oz bottle, which is probably the most I'd enjoy drinking in any night. It's great in this cold weather, especially after dinner. It would go great with anything chocolate or really any dessert at all. Ultimately I would suggest picking up a couple bottles for the holidays.

Overall this is another great offering from Sam Adams. It's not a strong beer in any way (except maybe in alcohol) but the flavor is certainly unique and enjoyable. And with any luck it's a great representation of Belgian stouts, because I plan on trying quite a few more.